Wednesday 5 December 2018

Major updates!

It's the beginning of December and the film is on track to composition. During a discussion session with the lecturer, several style frames of the expected video have been made.

Scene 1 - Choice

Scene 1 Choice B

Scene 2 - Choice

Scene 3 - Choice

Scene 3

Scene 4

The discussion session highlights the typeface and composition of user interface elements. Several suggestions are made by the lecturers:

  • Consider the target audience when choosing the typeface. As this is for college students, a flat, simple and minimalist typeface should be used.
  • The choice buttons can be resized to smaller sizes.
  • Add some white space (empty space) for breathing room.
  • For scene 3 (choice), the question can be placed on top of Ann's head while the choice buttons may be placed above Ben's head, considering the choice buttons can be resized to be smaller.
  • Choice button arrangement can be consistent.
  • Add thematic frames to the buttons. Consider using complimentary (contrasting) colors or neutral (light grey) for the buttons.
Steps to be taken when editing:
  • Add frames to the buttons.
  • Change typeface to a simpler, flat typeface
  • Rearrange the button composition to accommodate breathing space.

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